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The Gradual Learning Of Golf

Learning golf is done gradually rather than all at once.

This is not exactly what most Americans are looking for in the land of fast food, now is it?

If you want to learn a sport quickly, then you might want to try a different sport. Learning how to play golf correctly is not done in one day or one year, for that matter. Some players will even tell you that they are still learning new things twenty years since they started playing! There is no such thing as a “perfect” golf game.

Here are some basic tips that can help you lose a few years of learning the hard way. Not everyone will agree though on all the basics that are recommended, but here is what I have found that help golfers increase their golf score and accuracy.

There are three things that you will want to keep in mind when you play golf. They are

• RELAX! Make sure your body and muscles are relaxed!
• Keep your head as still as possible.
• Don’t jerk your club around in your swing. Keep it traveling in a straight line.

Relaxing is one of the most important things to remember when you play golf. This helps you to keep your balance, which helps to keep your swing smooth and free. Be comfortable when you swing so that your body will stay relaxed

for the entire length of the swing.

There are not enough words to explain how vital it is to keep your head still throughout your shot. This area is very easy to remedy and can have immediate results in your golf game.

When you keep your head still, you can keep your eyes on the ball. How are you supposed to hit the ball if you do not keep your eyes on it?

If you will keep your club head going in a straight line when you are making contact with the ball, this will help cure your slicing problems and other problems that may occur.

If you are having a bad run of golf games, then go back to these three fundamental basics. There is no need to change your clubs, stance, or swing. Try to remedy your golf game in these three areas and you are sure to see your game improving before you know it!

About the Author: David Hooper is a golf enthusiast from Memphis, TN. Visit for more information on how to improve your golf game.


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