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Why my Lactate Threshold Training is better than any other Strength Training System.

It's a very simple training system. Consisting of using your body in space with simple counts. Music is optional. With every position and exercise your concentration is focused on alignment, form, breathing, pacing, contracting or relaxing. You can move easily and flow from one exercise to the next with no wasted time or effort. Because it flows so well, you can make it cardiovascular or take designated controlled strength training time breaks.
Imagine you can do a whole hour of cardio without getting on the boring, dreaded treadmill or elliptical machines. At the same time you can tone and strengthen your core as well as every other muscle in your body. Strength training and cardio all in one!
Since you are using your own body weight in different positions you can go deeper into the muscles for better sculpting and strength enhancement by holding positions, changing the rhythms, or altering the positions slightly. You are always in total control of how much energy you exert for each exercise. If you want to sculpt deeper into the muscles, you simply arrange your positioning deeper into the exercise position. If you want to lighten up the load you simply release the contraction to a more comfortable exertion level. You will learn specific breathing techniques to help you sustain more difficult positions, to make them more tolerable.
Because you are using only your body in space there are no limitations to the positions or exercises you can do. You are limited only by your own imagination. You can work every and any muscle in your entire body to its maximal exertion levels. There are no machines to waste time arranging and dismantling weights or changing positions.
These exercises can be done anywhere with little or no equipment. You may want some privacy but if there is room for your body and available oxygen, you can do the workout!
If you've ever used those gym machines, how do you think they translate into real life everyday activities or even sports? Maybe you get stronger? Maybe, but study after study has proven that training with traditional gym equipment doesn't carry over into day to day functioning or sports performance improvement.
Lactate Threshold Strength Training does though. You are imitating with exertion simple everyday movements and from those positions holding, breathing and correcting alignment and perfecting form. So it completely translates into the day to day movements of life and living. Of course you can imitate your specific sports as well. Helping you make incredible sports performance gains. Lactate Threshold Strength Training also carries over into postural awareness and correction. We all know that correcting posture can make you look inches taller and years younger. Holding your body in specific positions with no distractions or machines to lean on puts you face to face with your postural

habits so you work on them consciously with effort in every single exercise challenge.
With the simple counting system that I use, you can track your progress very easily. So easily, that you don't really need logs and complicated spread sheets. Your gains will be consistent, trackable and very measurable.
Weight machines and gym equipment generally shape the body so it looks bulky, 'like a gym body' where the parts don't all seem to fit together. This is because in a gym environment the machines force you to work muscles separately in isolation from the core and the network of the whole body. Lactate Threshold Strength Training integrates whole body movements and brings all the parts together into each exercise. Because you are using all the muscles synergistically in a concentrated effort pulling all of the muscles into one dynamic reactive coil ready to spring into the next movement or challenge. This creates long lean flowing muscles that flow just like the workout flows.
How Does The Workout Go?
Generally after the initial assessment I discover peoples strengths and weaknesses and what I mostly discover is people want a boost to their metabolism to burn fat. In order to burn fat what I want to do is target all the largest muscles in the body. Which are the legs and of course the gluteus maximus…the largest of all. So to be sure to get that metabolic lift I will spend the first half hour of the session on legs and glutes. Don't worry ladies, your legs won't get bigger from all the leg work because we use no weight but your own body weight, with lots of isometrics and repetitions. I also have to add hear that you will see significant flexibility gains because you always go deeper into the positions as you get stronger. Because you have no machines to support you with just your body in space you will get significant core work by just holding your self up and maintaining your balance without something to lean on.
The nest half hour covers chest, back , shoulders and arms but remember with each exercise every single body part is connected and working for thermogenesis and overall strength and coordination. Abs are last and don't take long because they have been working the entire time, now its just a finishing process of carving a little deeper. The stretch at the end just feels good and prepares you to relax and be energized for the rest of the day. It's time to start an intelligent exercise program so sign up today and make your body gorgeous!
My Lactate Threshold Strength Training DVD is coming soon so stay tuned or log onto my website for more info.
Deborah Caruana RN, MES, PT.

About the Author

DEBORAH is a highly respected authority in personal training for overall health and fitness, with more than 22 years of experience and success.

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