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The Spread of Submission Fighting Techniques

During the 1940s, submission fighting techniques and practices enjoyed something of a rebirth and spread across the globe. Indeed, a burgeoning number of men and women around the world undertook to better understand and to more fully investigate submission fighting techniques.
Before more completely exploring the spread of submission fighting since the 1940s, a general understanding of submission fighting itself is necessary. Submission fighting is a term that is used to describe various types of martial arts that focus on grappling to effect the ultimate admission of loss (crying uncle) or submission of an opponent. Some experts define submission fighting as being "unarmed close combat" that is used to defeat or control an unarmed opponent within a sporting context.
Submission fighting involves the use of various joint locks, chokes and related manipulations to the opponent's body. According to submission fighting practitioners and experts, the basic methods of attack utilized include striking, kicking, strangling and joint locking.
Defensive maneuvering is an elementary element of submission fighting. Those who are skilled in the techniques of submission fighting understand how to turn the basic offensive devices into defensive maneuvers as is necessary. Examples of contemporary forms of submission fighting include judo, jiu jitsu, shooto, and Brazilian jiu jitsu.
As mentioned previously, submission fighting experienced a rebirth during the 1940s. The increase of interest in learning submission fighting techniques was the direct

result of Japan's early success during the beginning of World War II. Members of the Japanese armed forces, together with their counterparts in Korea, China and other Oriental nations and provinces, received training in submission fighting techniques as part of their overall service preparation. The Emperor's soldiers undertook intensive training directed towards mastering submission fighting techniques.
Early on during the course of World War II, Allied citizens were not interested in close-in combat of any sort. However, all of that changed on December 7, 1941, with the successful Japanese attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Overnight, many citizens of the United States -- as well as other Allied nations -- became intensely interested in learning submission fighting techniques. Citizens enrolled in whatever training courses could be found, particularly along the west coast of the United States. (At that time, the number of qualified instructors was extremely limited.) These wartime events affected the foundation of submission fighting training programs that remain in place in many nations the world over sixty years later in the 21st century.
About the Author
Jake Ross is an internationally recognized authority on hand-to-hand combat, martial arts and self defense. Jake has researched a multitude of martial arts from around the world and throughout history, but he prefers the realistic combat systems from the late 19th to early 12st centuries. For more information on fighting techniques, visit

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