An Introduction To Hockey
Hockey is a sport that is enjoyed by many players and fans.
Because it is most frequently played on ice (professionally
anyway), it is often referred to as ice hockey, though there are
some variations of the game using a roller rink rather than...
Burr Ball!
I was watching a Braves’ game the other night, and the announcers were droning on and on about how much skill it took to play baseball. They got into the speeds and types of pitches, conditioning and reflexes, split second decision making, all kinds...
Fitness Goal Secrets - Revealed Here
Before discussing Fitness Goal Secrets, let me ask you something:
Have you ever find yourself wandering around aimlessly?
You're doing stuff. You know what your goal is, but you're still
not getting anywhere near your target.
How can...
Learn about Krav Maga - Israels secret Martial Art
A Martial art devloped in Israeli, Krav Maga means "contact combat" in Hebrew. Krav Maga continues to be defined through actual modern combat and real world self-defense experiences.
This martial arts style is currently used by the Israeli...
Top Football Stadiums In College
Sports are a big part of college life. From the drunkards that attend to the students there to show support for their team and school, football can bring out the best or worst in people. For those who love to watch more than just the NFL, here are a...
Slider - Sports Game for Kids
A slider can be an effective pitch and is often easier to throw than a curve. Start slow and mix it up. Practice the slider gently and easily at first. Slowly build up speed over time. Never go through a pitching warm-up throwing only sliders. Mix up all your pitches for more balance and less risk of injury. We have the best youth basketball jersey and sports memorabilia. We have equipment used for hockey. Order Sports Illustrated for kids.
Practice - The best uniform way to practice throwing a slider is to throw it. But keep from throwing it too much because it puts your arm through a lot of wear and tear. Be careful with your arm, especially if you are a young player. Get sporting goods. Unlike breaking pitches,
the change-up is easy on the arm. The best way to get comfortable with this pitch is to just throw it. Any time you are warming up or tossing with a friend, try the change-up. In no time, you should feel right at home with it on the collectible mound.
About the Author
Copywright ©2005 Ken Kaiserman is the president of SportsKids.com , a leading youth sports website featuring games,sports news,sports camp and league directories,community features, and the Kids Stuff Superstore with over 150,000 products. Ken coaches youth football, basketball and baseball.He also serves on the local little league board of directors as well as the Park Advisory Board.