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Ontario Fishing Tips
Getting ready
1. If you're bound for a fishing trip to the North Country,
expect to spend much on transportation, your outfit, licenses
and permits. For a lot of people, the trip's highlight will be
fishing. For this reason, you should get yourself a new line on
your reel.
2. Protect your eyes while fishing and you should only invest in
a good quality pair of polarized sunglasses, as it will not only
aid in protecting the eyes, but will also provide superior
visual penetration into the water.
3. Keep mosquito repellent as well as plastic worms in a
separate compartment, making sure it is out of the tackle box as
both items do contain lacquer solvent that can soften the paint
of any metal, plastic, or wood lure and the soft paint may never
4. Always keep a small file or a small stone handy to be used to
keep the hooks needle sharp.
5. Learn how to tie good knots. Practice carefully until such
time that you are already certain that they will hold.
General fishing guidelines:
1. Don't fish with any bait in just one spot for more than 10
casts. If, by those casts, nothing changes, it's time you change
2. Properly position the canoe, not too close or too far from
the fish. If you are too close, you will frighten the fish. If
you are too far, you can not accurately place the lure in
3. When doing top water fishing, do not set the hook until you
can really feel that the fish is on the lure, being very careful
not to surprise the fish. Just keep on working the lure
cautiously towards you.
4. Be very patient. Just be certain that you know you are in a
suitable fish-producing area.
5. Always be quiet, as sound can travel through the water better
than through the air.
6. Release carefully, instantly and safely any fish that you do
not plan to eat. Preservation of Ontario's fishing resources is
essential and needed for fishing to continue thriving.
7. While waiting for your catch, or when you do catch anything
or none at all, look at the scene behind you, take a deep breath
and enjoy the only lakeland wilderness in the entire world!
Fishing Regulations
Carry your license with you
Residents of Canada should have a fishing-version Outdoors Card
and must have a fishing license tag that is attached to it so
that it can be considered as valid.
Non Canadian residents should have their basic license form
signed and have the correct license tag fastened in order that
it can be considered valid.
Keep in mind always that a Outdoors Card
or non-resident license
card is non-transferable; it grants privileges to you alone. It
should be carried with you each time you go fishing.
Note too, that whenever a Conservation Officer requests to see
and examine your license, the law requires you to show it.
State and District Regulations
State and District rules control angling in Ontario. The key and
major State law with regards to fishing is the Ontario's
"Fisheries Act"; this defends guards and takes care of and save
fish and its habitat. Likewise, it controls the fishing seasons,
limits to catch, possession, and size, and the gears allowed as
well as fish sanctuaries. On the other hand, the "Fish and
Wildlife Conservation Act" is the major provincial law that
regulates fishing. It is stated in this decree, that fishing
licenses are issued.
Wildlife Protection and Preservation Officers
Wildlife Protection Officers have the authority to inspect,
search, arrest, and seize under the different act they carry
out, together with Ontario's "Fish and Wildlife Preservation
decree" as well as the "Fisheries Regulation and Act". During
the Conservation Officers duty, they may do the following:
1. Ask important questions that are in relation to the
inspection they are conducting;
2. Review and examine buildings;
3. Stop and examine a boat, vehicle, or aircraft;
4. Confiscate certain items which are related to the offence
that an individual may have done;
5. Search and investigate having a warrant to legalize such
6. Search and investigate having no warrant to support the
search in situations that require immediate attention and
7. Arrest anybody that the Wildlife Preservation Officer
supposes and believe has committed, or is on the act of
performing, or is about to perform a violation or offence.
Open Seasons
The opening and closing dates of fishing season changes and is
determined by the species on the area. It is illegal to try
catching a fish for which the season has already been closed,
even if one is going to release it after. Do understand that
closed seasons protect the fish at time of the year when they
are most susceptible especially during spawning.
Unless specially stated, species that are not on the list have a
year-round open season.
About the author:
Find out more about fishing
including sea fishing and fly fishing at About fishing