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How To Get The Proper Golf Swing That Suits You Best

Without developing a proper golf swing, chances are that you will never really get to enjoy your golf game, let alone show any significant improvement.

There is no doubt that the failure to execute a proper golf swing has even been responsible for numerous nagging injuries many golfers suffer, which further hampers their game.

Developing a proper golf swing is made even more difficult by the fact that there are many different types of golf swings, almost as many as there are players. Even the top professionals all seem to have their own unique proper golf swing styles of their own.

This means that you will need to develop the unique proper golf swing style that suits you best. The one that you will be most comfortable with.

But the basics of a proper golf swing are universal. A proper golf swing actually consists of three separate segments that every golfer should work on in their effort to develop the proper golf swing that suits them best. The three segments are the backswing, the downswing and finally the impact and follow-through.

To get your proper golf swing, you will need to carefully work on each of the three segments separately in an effort to get the right positions and movements.

Every proper golf swing

starts at the legs and the hips and not the arms where many golfers place most of their attention and emphasis. This is precisely the reason why proper exercising that is golf-specific usually has such a huge impact on most people in terms of dramatically improving their golf games.

Golf conditioning exercises have the effect of preparing the individual muscles and parts of the body used in a proper golf swing, so that your movements and follow-through come almost effortlessly and as naturally as possible. Without exercise, the proper golf swing movements only work to strain unprepared, weak and therefore tense muscles.

Although golf has always been viewed as a leisure sport, the truth of the matter is that the modern golf player has to condition his body and muscles in many parts of his body, not just arms. It is extremely difficult to develop a proper golf swing without the proper golf-specific exercises.

About the Author
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Check out his new golf fitness – golf training site at Perform Better Golf.

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