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The Old Town Canoe company offers you the world's largest selection of canoes.

The first Old Town Canoe was inspired by the Penobscot tribe in 1898 and for the first two years the canoes that were made out of wood and canvas were called "Indian Old Town Canoes".

Old Town is situated in Maine in an area of small rivers with rapids, waterfalls and unforgiving boulders. The Penobscot tribe that had lived here for hundreds of years had learned how to build their birch bark canoes to withstand the rigors of these dificult rivers so the first canoe designs were coppied from the Penobscot tribe.

The Old Town Canoe company incorporated in 1903 and by 1906 it was turning out 200 to 400 of these wood and canvas canoes a month and has been growing steadily ever since until now it offers you the world's largest selection of canoes. (now made with high tech materials)

Since I live on the ocean in California, I have never paddled one of the new canoes so I went in search of personal reviews written by those that have experience with them. Since I have read reviews about canoes from several companies that make canoes, I can tell you that the Old Town Canoe gets fantastic reviews. There was one though where someone had tried to use a canoe designed for river rapids on a lake adventure and was dissatisfied. DUH!

As with choosing any canoe you must decide what you want to do with it and then look for the canoe that is designed for that purpose. The Old Town Canoe (s) has one designed for you no matter how you plan on using it. I am including second hand reviews for four of the many models so you can understand the importance of making the right choice when choosing your boat.

The Old Town Canoe "XL Tripper" is most at home in wild, remote country where its unique combination of strength and size comes into its own. It is 20 feet long. It

can easily hold two adults, two half grown children and a 70 pound dog, with camping gear for a week or two. It is able to do Class III and Class IV rapids fully loaded! Plus it is a very fast boat.

The Appalachan has received fantastic reviews. This is built for Class II or III rapids. It has the ability and performance to handle Class III whitewater with ease. "Holding lots of gear and running rivers is what it was bred to do and it does that in style. I love this boat!!!" This is a smaller boat and will hold 2 adults plus camping gear.

Next we will look at the Stillwater 12. This boat is very wide "almost tubby" so it is exceptionally stable. Good for a couple of kids to learn on. Or used as a good fishing platform as you can stand to cast. But the more you load it down with gear the slower it will paddle.

The last canoe to be included here is the Katahdin 16. A fast, and very stable boat of clasic design. Not a high tech boat but made of light weight fiberglass so it is fairly light weight. It tracks well and paddles fairly easily. It slows somewhat when heavily loaded but that is to be expected of any canoe. Just a great all round family canoe.

Keep in mind that these comments above are by the owners of Old Town Canoe (s), not official company information.

About the author:

Deb Andersen is the owner of http://www.water-sport-center.comwhich provides extensive information about Surfing, Water Skiing, Scuba, Kayaking and Kids Water Fun. Plus how to find your perfect water sport vacation.

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