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Soccer Live Betting

Live betting is one of the main sources of income for the bookmaker why?
Well before the match starts there is always large publicity about the coming fixtures for Live matches. They are often 2 strong team facing each other and they are most likely to be telecast throughout the world. Why? It is because a lot of people likes to bet on sports that they are able to view live especially those recreation punters who gets real kick watching their favourites team play and also big-time soccer punters who bet 30K-50K per match. There is the jalan bet or live betting bet and the half-time bet which make it more interesting and more variety for punters to bet. These live matches are matches where the bookmakers makes lots of money through the vigourish and not forgetting fixed match.
How to you identify whether the match is fixed?
1.) During the match observe the 1st 10 mins if any team scores, the match it is mostly fixed. They will score at the most unimaginable timing like within 30 seconds or 3 mins are common signs.
2.) Pay attention to the speed of both team players. The team that will lose will tends to run slower than the other team. Another point to note is the team that is fixed to win they will fight with all their might to get to the ball and the one that is fixed to lose {note this also refers to team that gives ball but unable to cover the AH given} will miss even inches infront of the goal post. Sometimes the team that is fixed to lose will even score for the next team that is the own goal or they are extremely disorganised at the defence showing no effort in blocking the strikers attack.
3.) Not all footballers are great actors pay close attention to their body language, they will display great agonies while missing clear cut

shots but their eyes are secretly laughing away some even had difficulty in controlling their facial expression ,occasionally they subconsciously look into the camera before diverting their eyes swiftly away.
4.) Coach odds decision to remove key players from the team substituting with a less superior player. Consider this why would a coach remove that particular key striker that has just scored the crucial goal and try to defend the 1 goal lead well within the early 50 or 60 mins.
5.) biased refeering decision. Legimate goals claimed as off-side, or clear penalty given as no foul are common signs. Giving unessary penalty to team that don't deserve it.
What to do when you know its fixed?
1.) Don't bet big when its livematches. Try to observe 1st before you bet then bet during the 2nd half as thats where the bookies tricks reveals itself.
2.) you need to master the art of odds decoding before you are capable of betting big.
3.) Don't fully trust what you see in the 1st half as what is obvious is often a trap.
4.) Do not doubt the odds, the odds posted are often set in a way to trap the average punters ,so try to mold your thinking like a bookie and you will see much clearer.

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Winder,Winder sports winder expert picks -Asian handicap specialist to european soccer fixtures.
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