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Running for Beginners: Top 20 Sure Signs that You're a Runner

Runners most definitely have some quirks and oddities, often completely noticeable by the loved ones in our lives! At, we know we're not normal people!
Here are some Sure Signs that you're a runner, with helpful suggestions from my wife!

1) Your beach shoes are running shoes. Your dress shoes are running shoes. Your house slippers are running shoes. Heck, all your shoes are running shoes!

2) Your friends call you "Pasta" because you're always looking for carbs.

3) The first thing you pack is your running gear, even for a wedding.

4) When you're traveling, the first thing you ask a hotel attendant is, "What's the closest place to run around here?"

5) The "art" in your house is free Nike posters from the local running store.

6) The first bookmark on your web browser is www.Road Runner

7) You have a separate carry-on for your running shoes, in case your luggage gets lost.

8) Instead of "Winter", you speak of the season between October & March as "Marathon Season."

9) Instead of "Summer", you refer to the season between May & September as "5K Season."

10) All the shirts in your closet are race t-shirts. (Some of which are 12 years old!)

11) You have a monthly direct shipment contract with an Ibuprofen supplier.

12) When someone refers to the

country, Kenya, you picture thin, speedy marathoners instead of coffee beans.

13) The second bookmark on your web browser is

14) Your family groans as they find themselves once again in the car while you measure "how far I ran this morning."

15) Your list of greatest world cities is: Boston, Chicago, New York, London, Berlin, and Rotterdam (famous marathon cities).

16) High fat diets make you laugh, as you eat yet another plate of carb-loaded spaghetti!

17) Unlike most Americans, you know the answer to, "How many km in a marathon?" as well as how far 15, 10, and 5 kilometers are.

18) You think Paula Radcliffe's running style is a thing of beauty, poetry in motion.

19) The word "jogger" makes you grimace, as you reply once again, "I'm a runner, not a jogger!"

20) You fondly remember 12 months ago when you weighed 45 pounds more than you do now!!!
About the Author
Kely Braswell has been a runner for 27 years. He's not the fastest... just an Ordinary Runner. But he's in great shape, and he has a LOT of great advice about running! Beginning runners can look at, simple advice on running for beginners and mere mortals! He developed his site using SiteSell, where even webdummies can build a webpage that makes money. Check it out at

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