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Intelligent Tailgating (or how to pick up girls in an abandoned parking lot)

Intelligent Tailgating (or how to pick up girls in an abandoned parking lot)

1)Check the Weather Report: Tailgating is an outdoor sport, and you need to pack and plan food accordingly. Don’t barbecue in heat, don’t do sandwiches in the cold.

2)Keep it simple! The less time you spend cooking, the more time you spend partying! One great time saver—pre-grill hot dogs, mets, or bratwurst, and put them in a thermos of boiling water. They stay hot for hours, and with a bun and a bottle of mustard and relish are as good as anything you will find in the stadium.

3)Music Makes it a party—But not too loud! Use the car Stereo to play tapes of games or music. But remember, you want people to be able to talk and socialize, so keep the volume under control.

3)Shade/Shelter—Whether it’s Sunny or Rainy, Providing cover is a good idea. A Simple way to do this is to open the trunk, stick a beach umbrella into the ground about three feet from the rear bumper and drape a clean plastic tarp from the trunk lid and over the umbrella.

4)Hold the Milk! Don’t serve anything creamy or milk based at the tailgate. Potato Salads and Slaws May be easy, but they also can spoil and make people sick.

5)Seating, Seating, Seating. Those cute girls that are looking at the party from across the lot? They might come over if there was somewhere to SIT! Whether the seating is blankets or

folding chairs, bring extra!

6)Not Just Chips!--- Chips are great, tasty, yummy. But chips are a SIDE dish. At the least plan to do hot dogs or sandwiches with the chips

7)Beyond Beer. Most people wouldn’t consider it a tailgate without a cold beer or two, but be responsible and considerate, offer tasty nonalcoholic choices other than cola. Sodas in flavors like Strawberry or Kiwi add a festive air to the proceedings.

8)Clean Up: The one thing everyone forgets, and regrets the forgetting: Garbage bags! Bring the whole box, makes for easy clean up, and throw in a couple of rolls of paper towels.

9)Partys need Party Favors! Stop at the party store for cheap, fun decorations and novelties!

Andrew Kress is an event planner for Island Events Inc.,
Specializing in Event Ticketing and Event Planning
for coroprations, companies and private groups. For more
ideas or help in obtaining event ticketing, go to

About the Author
Andrew Kress is an event planner for Island Events Inc.,
Specializing in Event Ticketing and Event Planning
for coroprations, companies and private groups. For more
ideas or help in obtaining event ticketing, go to

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