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How To KiteSurf

You have been bitten by the KiteSurfing bug, you can’t wait to hit the first current to propel your body screaming 40-feet into the air and crashing into the water. With each gusts of wind your elevated high off the surface and breaking each wave as you land. The thrill associated with the sport of KiteSurfing has many able-bodied thrill seekers flocking to the beaches across the world to set sail and fly across the top of the ocean.

But before you could set your feet in the water you will need to know how to KiteSurf, if you have surfed or have sail surfed you have an immediate advantage to understand how to maneuver your board, however when KiteSurfing your feet will move a little and your arms and hands are the only thing holding you to the kite, your feet are attached to the board.

Most rookie KiteSurfers have accidents because they have trouble calculating distance and variable levels of speed that the kites can create by a gust of wind. Learning to KiteSurf through instruction and practice is by far the best way to learn and experience the heart-pounding action and gravity-defying jumps.

As with any sport there are safety precautions you should adhere to.

You must be a good swimmer. Swimming entails that if your kite flies away from you, you may have to swim after the handles or swim back to shore. Depending how far out you have gone on your board this may not be such an easy task.

You can be carded or rated by a professional instructor. This will help you understand the risks as well as the conditions that are appropriate for your time out on the

water. Your instructor should be certified by the IKO, International KiteSurfing Organization. Never go out with a friend, it could prove disastrous.

You should always wear a helmet. Like bicycle laws they are encouraged in some countries and mandatory in others. Your head is the most delicate part of your body, if you crash into the sea at a high-rate of speed or run into rocks your chances of suffering head trauma can be disabling.

Watch the weather conditions. It is important to understand the weather and the effects of strong wind and how it can play havoc on avid KiteSurfers.

Other guidelines you will learn along the way will be important and somewhat common knowledge but it is good to go over the basics to make sure you and the people around you remain safe as you launch.

· Never launch kites in crowded swimming areas
· Do not lay your lines out along the beach
· Whenever possible try not to launch kite from the sand
· Be willing to help KiteSurfers as they re-enter the beach
· When making jumps in the water, measure the downwind zone
· If you can not swim far distances avoid going deep into the ocean
· Use your self-rescue signals when killing power to the kite
· Always wear a life-jacket or a buoyancy jacket.

By following the simple rules you can keep yourself as well as those around you safe during launch and re-entry to the beach.

About the Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his kitesite for the latest on kitesurfing equipment, kiteboarding lessons, places to surf and much more!

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