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How Power Play Golf Fitness Has Changed The Game

The sensational entry into the game by legendary golfer Tiger Woods, at the tender age of 20, introduced power play golf fitness into a game that had traditionally been looked at as a leisure sport where technique was much more important and necessary than any physical fitness or strength.

Never before had the world witnessed such a physically fit golfer playing at the highest levels of the game.

Research has produced some amazing revelations about Tiger Woods and power play golf fitness.

For example it is widely known that golfers can generally achieve a club head speed of 100 M.P.H. at the bottom of their swing. Research however shows that Tiger Woods can reach up to 125 M.P.H. Little wonder that he is able to achieve those amazing distances with his drives.

Apart from the technique employed, fitness and the correct conditioning of the muscles plays a huge role. This is one of the reasons why many professionals also wishing to enjoy the benefits of power play golf fitness have taken to physical work-outs and strength training.

But how effective

is strength training in improving a golfer’s game? In other words how effective is power play golf fitness?

Probably the best illustration of this is to examine the difference between junior golfers and adults. Actually the difference is typically strength.

I have personally worked with hundreds of junior golfers and within a very short time of doing specific strength training, their drives increased by as much as 50 yards.

That is how effective strength training can be. And when you really think about it, it is the factor that is making the difference between golfers on the course these days.

Actually there is little doubt that power play golf fitness will continue to transform the golf game for a long time to come.

About the Author
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Check out his new golf fitness – golf training site at Perform Better Golf.

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