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Golf is For Losers?

Have you ever wondered why so many Americans are starting to take up golf? This is a sport where, in most cases, only one person can be declared the winner and yet, millions of people are out there each and every day trying to improve their game. Millions of dollars are spent every year on the latest gadget, from swing trainers to instructional videos all to drop a few strokes.

Sure, there are a ton of different tournaments each year and the same golfer doesn't win them all. Even Tiger Woods stumbles once in a while. So, when you actually think about it, all golfers are losers at some point in their golf careers.

The beauty of golf is that for the non-professionals, you can turn it around and make it so that every golfer becomes

a winner. The incredible and unique aspect of our sport, is that it's really a challenge between the golfer and their own game. Each journey out to the course is a new attempt to have a better outing than the last. Each shot is a chance to hit the perfect shot and every now and then, an average golfer hits excellent shots that the Pros would be hard pressed to repeat in the same situation. Take that into account with

So, is golf for losers? It sure is but at some point, all golfers are winners too. How many other sports can say that?

About the author:

Mike Wyman is co-owner of, an online dating website for golfers and, a website specializing in the sale of personatlized golf ball markers.

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