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Fishing Rod Holders

Purpose of Fishing Rod Holders

Fishing is a sport designed for relaxation. It is where fish lovers pride themselves of the fish caught while celebrating it with friends and family.

The rod holder is a fishing tool that allows fishermen to multi-task easily. It was invented because fishing requires the use of both hands in the whole process of luring, hook clearing and removing the fish from the hooks. With all these tasks, letting go of the pole is difficult. The fishing rod holder was intended for anglers to be able to make use of both hands.

The first design of fishing rod holders had two parts. The first is a pole-binding device with a strap placed on the railing to tie up to the fishing pole. The second part is a Velcro strap that could be tied on your limb, arms or waist.

The first designs needed improvement because when the straps were placed on the waist, it is wedged into anything you hit. Therefore, a new design of rod holder was invented which has four parts - two pole clips and two straps.

Depending on what fishing position you are in, the short strap is used to be wrapped around your wrist or forearm and the long strap is wrapped around your ankle or leg.

There are also rod holders which come with a remedial solution for seasickness. This curative fishing rod is capable of providing the user with

an acupressure stimulator. Providing that the strap of the holder be worn all throughout the trip, it would remain efficient since the pressure is exerted continuously.

The rod holder is best for fly-fishing. Fly fishing is done in locations with rocky rivers and it is impossible to use your other hand for any purpose other than the fishing tasks. Because of the clips wrapped around your lower leg, you have a choice of putting the rear of the fishing pole into the clip so that no water could go inside it.

The upper pole clips could rotate to 360 degrees. It allows the user to do any movement since the pole is more flexible. The fishing rod holder could be used in any location whether in boats, on land, or at the dock. It prevents the fishing rod to slip from your hands and it allows you to release the rod easily.

The best fishing rod holders are those done homemade. However, many fishing stores offer high quality rod holders that would best suit your kind of fishing.

About the author:

Jay is the web owner of Fishing Lures, a website that provides information and resources about fishing, tackle, lures, and fishing trips. You can visit his website at: Arizona Fishing

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