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Increasing Flexibility…Not Stretching… is the Fastest Way to a Better Golf Swing
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Creatine Supplementation for Increased Performance and Building Muscle

Creatine is an amino acid that is in meat and fish. It is produced by the body in the liver and kidneys and converted in the muscles to creatine phosphate to resupply them with their source of energy.

Intense exercise depletes muscles of creatine. By taking creatine as a supplement you can increase the supply to the muscles. Daily food consumption meets the body’s creatine requirements for normal function, but for athletes who are participating in short-term burst of energy for workouts or sports high levels of creatine are needed.

Research on creatine over the past two decades have found that supplementation is best for those who workout three or more times a week.. Studies show that supplementing with creatine will:
- make muscles bigger and stronger ( a two to three pound of lean body mass is gained on average)
- increase performance in short-term activities such as weight lifting five to ten percent.
The results of creatine supplementation can

be seen usually within as little as five days.

There have been reports of minor side effects from creatine such as cramping and upset stomach. Drinking extra water may control these side effects. Taking 40 or more grams of creatine in a day may cause kidney or liver damage.

Creatine is available in capsules, liquid, or powder. Powder can be mixed with water or juice. Creatine works best when mixed with a liquid carbohydrate such as juice, by doing this you can increase the muscle’s absorption of creatine up to 60 percent. It’s important to follow the loading instructions on the label of creatine supplements. Always consult your health car provider before using any supplement.


Hamoon Arbabi

For more information about Creatines, Multivitamins, Proteins and Antioxidants go to :

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